Safety in Papua New Guinea


We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Papua New Guinea?

How would you define the level of safety in the country?

Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?

Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?

Share with us your insight on safety in Papua New Guinea and in the city you live in.

Thank you in advance,


My wife and i have been in PNG for one year working for an NGO.  We lived outside of POM and drive into town - through Six Mile Settlement - almost every day for work and leisure.  We work at KOKI and Ela Beach - another area that has a bad reputation. We have not experienced any problem and, although we remain cautious and alert, have never been afraid.  I believe POM is getting better, although it still has a long way to go.  I know  people who have been car-jacked.  Moving around POM during the day is not a problem in the main business districts.  We do limit our night time activities,but occasionally stay in town for meetings or dinner with friends.  After a few months of being here we relaxed quite a bit and started enjoying the city more. Personally we have found the PNG people to be very friendly and respond warmly to a smile or greeting. There are obviously places we do not go, and a woman alone might have more security issues, but shopping is safe.  You can got to the mall or a movie without fear.
with trusted transportation.

The keys are listen to the locals or expats on where to go and not go, stay alert to your surroundings on the street and don't be afraid, you will enjoy the city much more.