Prescriptions and medication.

Hi Can anyone tell me how I can find out if my medical conditions will allow me free prescriptions on Malta. They are:
Congenital spinal kyphosis.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
I have to take several medicines, including inhalers and strong pain killers daily. I don't know where to start looking for the answer. Any info or advice will be very much appreciated.
I don't work in the UK because of my spinal problem and understand I would loose my benefits. I will have money from the sale of property and may be able to take part time work.

As far as I know with serious conditions that require medical care you are supposed to liaise with medical authorities in country of destination before coming. The conditiond will preclude you from medical insurance so makes getting RHA easier (my experience once you explain insurance not open to you)  no free meds on RHA. If you do work you get sane as maltese citizens. There are few free med and it's done on med basis not condition, ie med listed not the condition.  So nothing like UK with all meds free with a qualifying condition.

Maybe other members have a more detailed understanding

you may be eligible for the schedule v card which entitles you to free medication related to your condition - however its a set list of conditions and not everything is covered  you need to contact the department of health for the list and  they will tell you if your condition is covered

You may access your medication at a very low price. I am using International online pharmacies they offer lowest price prescription drugs. If you can't afford the prescription medication you may switch to Certified International pharmacies are very safe and affordable.

The post you replied to is from four years ago!

Oh Sorry, I have not seen the date. I just came to this page and just wrote on this.