Things to do in Houston during the weekends


What do you usually do on your weekends in Houston?

Are there any places to visit, any activities, any events or festivals regularly organized you would like to recommend?

What are your top tips for the weekend in Houston?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience, ;)


I like going to Kemah boardwalk. It is south on I-45 from Houston on the way to Galveston. Google Maps should be able to give you good directions. They have a lot of stuff there. A lot of it is just an open-air walking place near the water with a bunch of shops and restaurants. While you're down there, you might as well hit up Galveston as well.

Houston also has a lot of performing arts. Their art district is one of the best in the country and they also have a lot of bands that will play in local bars as well.

When my family comes to visit, we like to go to St. Arnold's brewery. St. Arnold's is a popular local beer, and they give a pretty cool tour of their facility and will even let you sample some of their beer after you're done!