How is the sisuation in Egypt for Muslims?

As salam walakum wa rahmtullahi wa baraktoh
Good morning

How is the siuaton politically in wgyptndoe Muslims ? I have friends that moves and want to come back but our worried the police and military are the same . Is it different in other cities ? The reason i say Muslims . Is that the police and military treat Muslims and non Muslims differently. I am not trying to sargated or racist ...... they non Muslims they seem to leave alone. But the ones in hijab and niqab not so much . But this was on 2013 ... son has it changes?:

JazakAllahub khyrn

from where did you get this fear?
everything is normal as always!

everything is  ok  here
No worries

The time you're talking about is when the Muslim Brotherhood was in charge and they persecuted non-muslims far more than muslims.

Nobody is treated any differently whether they're muslim or christian here.  In terms of people wearing traditional dress, if they have the full veil then the police and army may check them more, as they should.  It's a security risk and with things the way they are right now the authorities can't be too careful.  The full veil has nothing to do with the religion and it's known that in Cairo a lot of male criminals hide under full veil.

I've not seen the police in Hurghada treating anyone any differently, although there are more security checks at the moment after what's been happening in Tunisia, Sinai and Cairo over the past few weeks.