Shop vac or equivalent

Any one know of a place that sells shop vacs in Saigon?, I googled it but all the emails and phone numbers were out of service. I'm pretty sure that they are manufactured in China so they must be available here.
I don't need a super industrial machine or anything but just a simple 5 gallon wet dry vac for the house.
Franks and beans... if you can help. :)

Frank Malt wrote:

I googled it but all the emails and phone numbers were out of service.

That sucks and blows!

Order up!




Mark, no need to air your fetishes,,, I'm just looking for a simple vacuum cleaner....
Franks and beans though, ;).

Take your pick hoser.   :lol:

Franks and you know what for that Mark, It's all in the bag now... well as soon as I filter out the models that don't meet  my needs, I also am a bit floored that you didn't include contacts that actually work but after a while I usually just sweep it under the rug anyway.....;)