Racism in Sydney?

Hi there,

Perhaps this is an awkward question to ask but I want to move to Sydney in Jan 2016 and I have heard of some horror stories about the racism in the country. Stories like people using offensive language and people that can't get jobs because they have a specific 'surname' and belong to a certain 'race'.

How true is this?

It is no different to many other countries.
I am white, French, and have twice in 5 years been involved in xenophobic rants.
But the very large majority of people are nice.

@mizzkhushi — racism is everywhere sorry to tell you this. Every country will have one. As far as employment is concerned, we do have I think it's fair work practices.....anyway..point is.. you are employed based on your merits not your background (supposed to be that way .. but you know.... we are humans..)