Graduate from med school cuba

hi to every one my name is tahir and i am a recient graduate from med school cuba ,,i am hoping to work in portugal ,,,i jsut wanna know that what is the procedura and how ,,thanks ,,,

Hi Tahir,

Kindly note that I have created a new thread on the Porto forum for a better visibility!

You may want to have a look at the article Work in Porto found in our Living in Portugal guide to get some information!

Good luck :top:



oh really?
Well adress first to the National PHD association ( Ordem dos médicos … 4216141515  )
You will need to obtain qualifications add-hoc to get a valid license and to be alowed to practice over here.
Recently the gov. had posted multiple positions for spanish doctors ( refused due to low salarys ).

A low salary for a local might be a fortune and a massive boost in living conditions for an expat.
The degree is quite likely to be a problem as it probably won't be accepted in many other countries.

truth is, many cubans doctors accepts easily to come work here ( cant compare hein ).
Harder for an spanish doctor to leave Spain, altought some offers in Portugal include housing to work outside of the biggest cities.

Anyways, its a great entry door to join European labour market on that field.

How did he get on. Did he or anyone else manage to leave Cuba to work and live abroad?