Searching for French-speaking church in or near Leeds, West Yorkshire

Bonjour tout le monde,

For years I have been searching for a French-speaking church in or near Leeds, West Yorkshire.

So far I have managed to find two churches but the members speak more African dialects than French.  Hence, these churches do not fit my criteria.

I would be truly grateful if someone could tell me where I could find a French-speaking church.

Failing that, I am open to suggestions regarding any other French-speaking community in or near Leeds, West Yorkshire that would offer my family a warm welcome.


Could be worth a shot.

Hi Fred,

Thank you for such a prompt response.

I have previously attended a Leeds French Meetup session and I had a wonderful time.

The members were very kind to me and encouraged me to come again.  Whilst I intend to attend further sessions, I am currently of the impression that the activities are for adults only.

I have a five year old son who has a passion for the French language and I am hoping to find a group that would be happy for me to bring him along. 

This is why I am searching for French-speaking churches in particular.  They should be suitable for the entire family.

Any further suggestions would be appreciated.

