Vehicle insurance online? & MOT / preglet


Is it possible to get motor insurance for a Bulgarian registered van online in Bulgaria?
I am in the UK & have the chance to buy a Bg registered van that is also in the UK.
Because I have not bought & registered the van yet I have no paperwork, just the Bulgarian Reg plate number .

Also, the van was registered & had BG MOT (Preglet) in Bulgaria on 26/03/14 (originally UK registered) & the owner says it does not need to be retested for new MOT for 3 years.
I think the owner may be mistaken & it should be re tested every year & they are confusing that only NEW registered vehicles do not have to be tested for  3 years. The van is 15 years old!
I obviously do not want to buy & drive it if the test has expired.
Can you help please?

Many thanks


The test is every year. You can get insurance online. I wouldn't recomend driving the van without the yearly inspection tho, it's ok here in Bulgaria, you can alway get away with it but driving in Europe and entering the country without the MOT will be a problem.