Arriving Bangkok on Sunday HEEEEElP

Hey Guys,

As I mentioned in before posts I was planning on moving to SE Asia to explore and have new experiences. Well, the day has come. I arrive Sunday night in Bangkok and I AM CLUE LESS on what I am going to do , where to go first, or anything at all.. I am solo traveling for the first time, and I am really excited but as the days end and its almost time to leave , I keep getting really nervous and some kind of cold feet. Could you guys help me out pin pointing must do's arriving, tips, etc etc.

Thanks in advanced guys, I am really looking forward to Thailand

As the Thai new year is approaching from 13-15 of April, enjoy one of the biggest water festivals of the world, keep your documents in a plastic bag, people will be throughing buckets of water all around Bangkok.

the water throwing starts an sat so it should be in full force on sunday,enjoy