Is There a Facebook page for Expats in Mauritius?

Would anyone be interested in being part of a Facebook group for expats in Mauritius?

Not sure if it would work? Any comments?


can we possibly keep members ... on ? promoting an external group on any community isn't really nice   :unsure


The only reason why I mentioned this is because it is really hard to see messages as all the alerts go to junk mail or by logging into your account and checking to see if there are any messages. Maybe you could create an app to make things easier for phone users. It was never my intention to take members to an external site. Believe me facebook hasn't hired me yet to recruit more members. Lol :(
Sometimes people join (like me ) and never come back to the site because alerts don't always go to your email. For instance I commented in some posts months ago and never knew some had replied so I left it as that. This week by looking at different posts I realised people did reply.

I think you did a great job by creating the site; however, you need to look at it from a new join point of view. Is it really easy for busy people such as moms who don't have time to be going to their emails to see if someone has replied?
Sorry if you thought I wanted to take people away from here. I have met lovely people here and the site has given me lots of information. If you think of something better please let me know.

Hello Mangolassi

Your suggestion has been noted, the Team is working on something more ''user friendly'' for some time now, and soon enough you will see a new ''

As for the alerts that go directly to your junk box, you should click on the mail and mark it as non junk ;)

Kenjee Team


Thanks Kenjee for your reply. That is such a great news. I am sure the members activity will increase. That should be good for the business. Please let us know when this happens.


yeah there is one i know of i can add you to the group if you want

People are always on Facebook.... almost daily. Unless I get an email from, I only check it out periodically and when I do, I'm surprised that I have received msgs that I didn't know about. So Therefore I cant see the harm
in having a Facebook page for Expats in Mauritius and use it to link up with There is a FB page
for Mauritius Hash House Harriers yet they still maintain their separate website.

You are right Alyson we definitely need an app or a fb link to make things easier. Most of the fb groups I have found are mainly used for marketing and not networking. That's kind of annoying as I want to know people and share their experiences in Mauritius and not trying to sell me stuff all the time.

Hello alyson_frances and Mangolassi,

It seems that you have some great ideas for us to improve :) It would be great if you could post them on the Help us improve the website forum.

Thank you,

Shaazia Team

I created one some years ago and it's working fine!

Nadeem wrote:

I created one some years ago and it's working fine!

its more open on facebook? I saw one or two expat groups too. Very nice :):one