Safe to invite girlfriend to my compound?

Hi guys - I had always heard it was fine to 'date' here but only on western compounds.  Things is, I understand that details of all compound visitors are sent to the Ministry of Interior!  So, if I invite my girlfriend to visit, is this going to lead to problems??
Any advice gratefully received!

In my prescriptive, you live in compound in order to live your normal life that you did in your country. I think you can do whatever you want.



Yes it could be a problem for the visitor, the list might be sent to ensure maximum securtiy. specially if your gf is saudi then yep she could be in deeeeeeeeep trouble.

Not at all . Its never a problem . No one care about your visitors once u start living in compound , however u may not see your saudi Gf in compound since some of the compounds do not allow them