Email Cost in Cuba

Hola todos! :) Would anybody know how much is the cost of sending and receiving an email in Cuba through a nauta account? Is it really dependent on how long or heavy (in case there are attachments) the email is? Gracias!

. 0.02$ for a text message.  0.10$ for an image included email.  Not sure the size but def not to big.

Thanks Bchandyguy! By the way, are these costs for sending or receiving? Thanks again.

If you send it cost same.  As receiver they also pay.

Thanks! :)

20 k is the max size image a Cuban can receive on their cuban email acct.   lots of free image reducer apps available for free at the apple store and google play that are easy to use.

Its free for them to receive text so Im assuming you mean .02 to receive email minus a image

No it also cost them to receive...

No charge  to receive sms/text so I think your confused with receiving email... here is link to cubacel which show costs for service … ms_mms#SMS

Ricardo, please I set my Fiances mobile email just before I left in January. I know SMS is free. I also know that it cost to receive emails on the mobile network .02 for regular small sized email ( so if you right a letter the rate goes up).....Just like adding a small photo...

No worries but your Jan 31 email implied that it cost .02 so just wanted to clarify ...

IT does cost to both send and receive any email.