Tennis September 03/04

IŽm a 35 years old german and IŽll be in Osaka on september 03/04.
My skill is around 4 (
and IŽm looking for someone to hit some balls or play a set in the afternoon or evening.
IŽve got no car but IŽm willing to travel if you give me directions


spiele viel tennis, bin franzose, habe in freiburg gelebt. mag deutschland sehr. moechte sehr in osaka tennis spielen. ich gehe in osaka ab september. koennten wir im kontakt bis dann bleiben...
ich heisse julien und bin 28

Hi julienfourmie, :)

Can you please write in English in the anglophone forum so that other members can understand and participate in this discussion.

Thank you very much.

Hi Julien,

IŽm not living in Osaka, IŽm just there from time to time.
ItŽs still a long time till september, but IŽll contact you once IŽm back, ok?

Seey ou then,

Hi Andy,

My name is Matthew and I live in Osaka.  I hope you are well and I apologize for suddenly contacting you so suddenly.

I understand you may not be one yourself, but I am looking for a private German teacher in Osaka for classes.  Would you happen to know anybody who might be interested?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



P.S.  I also love tennis but I'm afraid at my low level, I would not be much competition for regular players.  I do know some Japanese colleagues of my wife who play tennis quite seriously.

Hello Julien,

My name is Matthew and I live in Osaka.  I hope you are well and I apologize for suddenly contacting you so suddenly.

I understand you may not be one yourself, but I noticed from your German blog comment that you speak German and may be German yourself? 

Actually, I am looking for a private German teacher in Osaka for classes.  Would you happen to know anybody who might be interested?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



P.S.  I also love tennis but I'm afraid at my low level, I would not be much competition for regular players.  I do know some Japanese colleagues of my wife who play tennis quite seriously.