Recommend primary schools near VUB

Please recommend good, French schools near VUB! I will work in there, and I am looking for a place in a good French school for my English speaking 7 year old daughter (will go to year 2)! She had a few lessons in Alliance Francaise and that's why we were looking for French school!

We found that Ecole No. 7 in Ixelles and La Petite Ecole Dans la prairie in Uccle have places for her. We need to choose! How are these schools. I haven't even been to the school in Uccle. How do you compare these schools? Are these good schools? My daughter goes to the best school where we live, and I am getting tormented regarding whether I will be able to provide her good, welcoming environment in a French school or not!

Depending on the school, we will need to decide where to live! Is there any transport from Uccle to VUB?

I am sure someone will provide you suggestions soon..

Some more places where you can ask:


La petite ecole dans la prarie is a huge distance away from VUB, so I would cross it off immediately. You need to concentrate on schools where you'll work/live, not ones a large distance away. That area of Uccle is not good for VUB.

I have no idea how you define "good".

Use the public transport map and google, highlight on the most local schools to VUB and contact them.