Any Pakistani going to Germany for study purpose

I am Khurram Shahzad now lived in Islamabad and already applied in germany for study and language purpose.
Any Pakistani which also applied for study contact with me because we want to make our own community from here and move together may be.

Germany is a big country - it would help if you specify in which city you will study!

In bonn. and R u also going to Germany or you are still there

I am in Germany and a German myself.
If you are only interested in meeting other Pakistanis, why do you move abroad?

I moved there for study purpose.

Kindly told me about yourself.

k.shahzad1983 wrote:

I moved there for study purpose.

Kindly told me about yourself.

It's you who have to tell about yourself.

You don't give any precise information, you just tell you want to study obviously in Bonn and that you want to get in touch with Pakistani only.

If you restrict yourself to your fellow countrymen, you will be lonely.
I recommend you open your mind to accept others too. If you cannot, you should stay at home.