Mosques -loud??

Hi there
I don't wish to cause any offence to anyone with my post. After having lived in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and experiencing the callto prayer very vividly. I just wanted to find out if this is the same case in KL. Are there mosques on every corner and is the call to prayer 5x a day and is it loud?

Around 65% Muslim population - take a wild guess.
However, for those who dislike the sound, there are large Chinese and Indian areas where mosques are uncommon.

No, I haven't really noticed it being loud at all.

You are right. The sound come from mosques in Malaysia is depend on the location. But honestly speaking, the Adzan coming out from the mosques is for all muslim to wake up and pray to God. God created us and we must pray to Him. When we die, the 1st thing that God will ask us is our prayer. If we fail to perform the prayer, God will punish us and put us in hell.