Attention Ladies! Let's meet.....

All females out there who are bored, alone, looking for friends, etc, is my proposal....if you are in the country on 26th & 27th Nov, whichever convenient, let's organize a Ladies Meet Up anywhere in the city which is accessible to everybody especially to those who do not drive.

I leave the venue to the  majority as well as the timing.

I will put my  suggestions later on once replies are received.

Hope to hear from the female population.

Good luck ate hex.. :top:


amoor wrote:

Good luck ate hex.. :top:


All ladies are gone kuya amooor....
maybe if you organise it they will all appear :/

hexebella wrote:
amoor wrote:

Good luck ate hex.. :top:


All ladies are gone kuya amooor....
maybe if you organise it they will all appear :/
