Make friends

Hi everyone  :)

My name is Hani and i am here today looking for friends to hang out for coffee or just online chat .

feel welcome to get in touch and lets talk share experience and hang out and more things . if you have a little bet

knowledge of singing or music instrument  that would be great .  if you want to know more about me please check

my profile information .

Greetings :)

Ahlan wa Sahlan  ;)

Welcome on board.

Why you landed in Goes???

Hey hani, how are you ? :)

shokran primadonna  :top:

ik woning met mijn family mijn vrouw and kinder , mijn vrouw werkt in Goes 

je spreekt Nederlands als moedertaal?

hey asefnas  :top:

very well thank you , what's up with you  ?


Yes, I do and I stuck on Arabic.

I asked you because I have a sis living in Goes.

Hoi primadonna

thats great that you have sister where i live , i am learning dutch language at this website and i hope that native

person can give me course to speak better

anyway hit me up if something new . i hope more people will join this conversation