Im inlove with Aglerian man

I met an Algerian man last 2 years ago...  6 months we are in relationship. but after that we broke up because he said that his parents will not agree to get married with me.. ( so many Reasons why). but until now i still love him.. we we still see each other. now our relationship is very complicated... I really don't know what to do... i cannot live without him..  :(

It may sound hard, but please forget about this man.

Of course you can live without him. You have been doing so since you broke up. In addition, if he truly loved you, he would have defied his parents even though I acknowledge that this is a difficult thing for a man to do in his culture.

Move on, enjoy your life!

laduqesa thank you for your advise...  im trying hard to do that.. Inshallah it will be fine..

Sorry for your heartache Mariam, but if you want to avoid more pain and suffering, do as laduqqesa says and walk away from the man. It's hard enough to face family opposition when you are both determined to fight to be together, let alone when he has given up hope. At least he was honest with you. He deserves credit for that.

As for continuing to see him when you know that the relationship isn't going anywhere, well all you are doing is prolonging the agony and allowing yourself to fall more deeply in love, or become obsessed with him. You are weak and vulnerable, and you can be taken advantage of. That's no way to achieve HAPPINESS.

So, walk away with your head high, and some day you will meet a man who not only loves you, but who is willing to fight for your love and your acceptance by everyone as his partner in and for life. Anything less than that and you will be his slave, not his (future) wife.

Of course you can live without him. You lived just fine without him before you met him and now won't be any different.

If the relationship has changed because of his parents' objections then things are not going to improve. The objections will only become more numerous and stronger. You're wasting your time if you think that somehow, as if by magic, things are going to be different and one day he'll pop the question.

This is not going to happen, especially if he is Muslim and you are of a different religion than he is. His family would never permit it and neither does Muslim law unless you convert. Cut your losses, go on with your life, live for yourself because you can't live only in the eyes of somebody else.

@wjwoodward. It is incorrect to state that Muslim law does not allow a Muslim man  to marry a non-Muslim. My late wife was Catholic. We got married and had 2 beautiful children legally. With all due respect, please, base your advice on facts, not false assumptions, hearsay, or prejudice. Thank you.