Looking for a good barber us style.

Been here 8 months and I still have not been able to find a good barber I am looking to get a skinned low fade a temp or blow out seems hard to fing help please ty.

Brunos, take a magazine with the style you want if they dont understand

I even showed them videos but still it's very far from it so if anyone know of someone that can do a clean low fade I'd appreciate it thank you.

A good haircut just like you want, shave mustache trim and trim?  100 peso with out air 120 peso with air.  Yes I know a pack of bandits here for a good haircut.  Over $2-3 U.S. but you pay for good work.  1 use the same barber every time. and tip 20 t0 40 peso depending on stench water and how fine a job done. So $4 U.S for a good haircut.  I know 60 peso for average here.  Or a buck and a bit.  High priced to do here. Next take a person with you who can talk the dialect there over your Language and explain what you want in a haircut.  And have them tell the barber to remember what you want in a haircut. 3 Use the same barber and tip so she looks forward to seeing you come in. Works for me and I just use the walk in joint down the street and walk there for a haircut and shave ,trim and such. But they do not understand quit what you say here. Once they know what you want end of problem.

Thanks for the tips advice taken just that the procedure to a low fade and what they do here is completely diferent I gues I'll keep hunting. 👍👍👍

nobody here cuts hair like in the u.s.  I have long hair and all they do is a dry cut. my hair is always uneven and I look like I have a really bad mullet. I guess its time to go with the very short style coz it seems to be the only way they know how

Well that sucks for is man