Being an Expat - and Career Progression

Good Day All,

Just a question as I wondered if you're locked in a particular role while in Saudi, or in fact there is some career progression involved. For example if I am taken up for a job for a two years contract, and seemingly this contracts gets renewed, is there a way to contest for the management positions i.e. manager etc. or basically you're stuck with what you were taken in as?

Thanks for your comments/ sharing of info based on your experience.


Well the country is working on encouraging the natives to go to work ! SAUDISATION .there are opportunities but , most likely a very junior saudi will be your manager . its happening in healthcare. Yes opportunities are there!

Hello Khaki, Welcome to EB,

You have raised a very important question, Does your employer worry about the career progression of the employees here in Saudi Arabia?

let us get it very clear, what does an employee want to be in the medium to the long term? Is the field he has chosen going to a dead end in terms of technology or marketing demand? I am afraid these are the issues an employee takes care of, as far as the employer is concerned, he is interested in filling a position with an appropriate candidate, we strike a balance where these two lines intersect.

It also depends on the company's culture and the individual sitting across the desk, in majority of the cases specially in multinational companies, i have seen the management is concerned about your well being and long term career prospects.

At the end of the day I am afraid it is the employees responsibility to take advise from his friends and seniors and ensure he is on the correct carrier path.

Quote: " Big success is the result of the little steps we take every day"