What are the certificates required for teaching english?

What are the Certification required for teaching English in Chile?? Teacher must be bilingual like must know Spanish also in order to explain the meanings???

Actually I am designer by profession and living in Dubai but I have seen through different post that best job in Chile for foreigners are teaching English.. But they must have to be from English speaking countries or people with English certifications also can teach?? Like TFl and Ielts?? and If so then it must not be more then 2 years Old as College and Universities ask for the admissions????

What are the job Possibilities for Designers?? But I know for that I must Know Spanish...

Hi ODAN, depends of the company, for example for teacher in schools is required TOFEL, for some jobs in privates companies usually you just have to talk in english, i have TOEIC and ETAAPP certification but never any company required to be in.