Tunisian state schools

Hi Everyone,
can anyone tell me if they have sent their children to a state school in Tunisia even though they can't speak any Arabic. I am trying to find out what to do with my kids for the best for them. I know there is a school in Tunis which teaches in English but we are in Nabeul and the other schools teach in French - so French or Arabic it's difficult for them anyway.  Any advice or information would be great.


Yes we have private school

How old are your children?  Easier to pick up French since the letters are the same at least.  Tunisian private schools teach in French, Arabic and English.

Hi kids are 9 and 6. French schools do sound like a better option. How expensive are they? I will be living around Nabeul area?
Thanks for responding.

Not sure what the French schools charge but I know the places go very quickly.  As your kids are young though you may want to look into the state schools if you live in a nice area.  The quality of the schools varies a lot, and there are some terrible ones where the teachers are often absent and some great ones where you get a good all round education.  I would ask some of the ladies on the No Marmite in Tunisia forum (google it).  They would know more about the quality of individual schools.  The state school doesn't teach English very well though so you may want to do that outside school so they don't miss out.

French schools charge around 5000 DT per year for Tunisians and double that for other nationalities.
Here is a link to their site:

Thank you so much