Staying home today and its so boring already...What can I do to make the minutes go by without noticing.

Bake something sweet for yourself or share it with others and invite them at your place.

Do you have a job?
What are your interests, hobbies, activities that you can do to take  up the day.

Bob K

Well I market a product I just started producing.its been hectic,decided to rest a little today and then boredom sets in lol...

Bake: No
Invite a friend over: Maybe Lol :)

There  you go, you now have a plan.  See you should not take a day off :D

What kind of product are you marketing?

Bob K

Lol yea maybe.I produce and package sorrel/roselle drink.Just 3wks old business.

Good luck with it

Bob K

You need to know your strength in terms of interests/hobbies.  Do you like reading?  If you have no access in the library, internet has a huge library itself.  You can also go to youtube and type in whatever topics you want to learn, I can guarantee you your day will go so quickly you won't even have time to take a nap during the day.  If not, how about photography, again you can get tons of tips as a beginner on internet... you can also join the Gym...Yoga or any classes that requires networking....whatever you desire!!

BOREDOM IS A CHOICE MY DEAR...I HOPE YOU STOP!!!  Channel yourself to something that will EXCITE YOU!! 

Good luck,
Ems :)

pipsfernandez wrote:

BOREDOM IS A CHOICE MY DEAR...I HOPE YOU STOP!!!  Channel yourself to something that will EXCITE YOU!!

Absolutely.  When people tell me they're bored, I want to shake them until they wake up.  There are so many things to do and so little time on this planet, I don't know why anyone ever chooses to be bored. on sweetie :):D

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