Getting prescription medications shipped in.

Hi, I was wondering if any of you have experience getting prescription medications shipped to you in Vietnam? I have a relative in the United States who can pick up my prescription every month and mail it to me but when he contacted DHL they said it would be around $78 and when he contacted UPS the price was lower but they said there were all of these random restrictions like the value of the medications cannot exceed $30 (I don't know the value, I receive them for free on my health plan but I'm guessing $0 would not sound right) and you cannot receive more than 3 shipments per year. They suggested contacting UPS Vietnam for more specific information. I was previously under the impression that I could just have someone ship them to me along with my prescription information, was I wrong?

If you have experience with this please provide any info you can. Thank you.

I have found that I can get all my medications here. The cost is way cheaper than in the USA. I get all of my meds for free through the VA. When I first arrived 2 years ago, I countinued to have my meds delievered in US, bought what I needed here. Because I return to the US every 6 months to visit with my son, I just bring a 6 month supply back with me.

@ancientpathos, If your eligible for Tricare you can get them here in Vietnam at none or low cost: