
Life is very short.I don't understand why people busy for more add more.I think what i have i should be happy with this.

Yes life is too short.  One of the reasons that I had enough and retired early to enjoy life.

Have a little less now but MUCH happier.

Bob K


shawkat wrote:

Life is very short.I don't understand why people busy for more add more.I think what i have i should be happy with this.

Because human wants are unlimited....
They don't know when they will die.....
If they are not busy with anything then they will suicide........

shawkat wrote:

Life is very short.I don't understand why people busy for more add more.I think what i have i should be happy with this.

People are busy because they are insecure.

I deal with multimillionaires and billionaires almost on a daily basis, and none of them say they are busy because that would contradict their contacting me.

One of my best mega-wealthy friends used the word 'busy' in our conversation for the first time in five years.  :)

if someone tells you he / she is busy, stop talking to them and avoid them like you avoid AIDS or he / she will infect you with their little problems, non-sense life and useless hurry ...

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