Getting a Tax Number....please help!

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me how I get a Tax number?  I am starting a job next week and the manager told me I have to have a social security number, tax number, and ID number.  I've got the SS number but it seems that to get the tax and ID numbers you have to have an employment contract first.  It seems i'm in a catch 22 situation and i'm just getting more and more confused  :/

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


You need to go to the tax office or phone them and register.


itsnowornever wrote:

ut it seems that to get the tax and ID numbers you have to have an employment contract first.

no, to get a tax number you just ask for one. To get an ID number you need to start your eResidency application, but you dont need an ID number to start work, your passport is sufficient as an EU citizen

Thanks Terry,

Just called them and got it sorted, seems like i'd been given incorrect info from elsewhere!



Thanks to you too GinG

Don't know what i'd do without you lot!  :D
