Working in Gibraltar, Employed in England


My job with my current employer based in the UK has taken a wonderful turn!  I am based at home, working remotely with sites all over Europe, and sometimes the USA too.

I have two kids who are in English schools now, and my wife has an ongoing Thyroid problem, so sticking with an English Health system seems like the ideal option!

I have wanted to move to Gibraltar for years now, but we don;t have an office there.  Ideally I would like to remain employed in England, but live in Gibraltar.  This way my employer is inconvenienced as little as possible, but I still get to live in Gib :)

Does anyone have any experience of this situation?  For example I would like to purchase a property in Gib, so would I be eligible for the many tax benefits etc in this situation?  Can I send my kids to school in Gib if I am not paying Gib Tax directly?

It seems to me that if Gibraltar is part of the UK, then this shouldn't be a problem (much like living in one county and kids schooled in the neighboring county for example) however something tells me that it just can;t be that simple...

Any insight in to this would be greatly appreciated!

Did you manage to get an answer to this?