The business location will be in Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro my home town and current work location. I already have connections to people who will help me close business agreements with clients and companies. The business will help applicants here get a job in Manila, I know you're thinking of recruitment agencies or man pooling services, YES we have those here but my idea is different, and BETTER. I am aiming for a specific industry for the first 6 months of operations and will add other industry using the same technique to expand the business. My plan has 2 market design and structure giving it 2 ways to profit. Regarding the Start up Capital, it's between 20k-25k U$D. if you're interested email me at [email protected] or call/text me at 09263676951

Hi bernardhdagos,

I suggest you to post your request for partners in the Business partners classifieds in Manila section please. :)

Thank you,

Priscilla team

my bad, I thought this was is because it says Forum/Asia/Philippines/Work at top. Thanks for the link, it does says Manila.