Learning german

Hey guys, I'm planning to move to move to Germany in summer next year so I've been learning German very diligently! Problem is I have only 4 beginners like me to speak to so there's no challenge or improvement there, we all kind of suck :) Was in Bayreuth last summer and my German really improved but when i came back....no practice so im back to average level. That is why i am looking for German speaking friends to help me out! Anyone?

Anna aus Kenia :)

[Moderated: Wrong Language.]

You should look into die Brücke at the University of Nairobi.

Yeah I have heard of them, not sure how to reach them though, let me search them on Facebook.


They are on Facebook as well as at http://www.uonbi.ac.ke/student_orgs/Bru … hange.html