Citibank blocks foreign accounts online access in Malaysia

After a lot of phone calls it seems Citibank have screwed up all foreign owned credit card users after a "system upgrade". (may affect account holders I only have a credit card)

This means you get locked out if you try to access your account online.

The call centre staff don't know this, I found out after lots of questions and asking to be passed to someone senior after the first person told me to re-register (DON'T DO THIS), Why they don't inform customer service - well maybe because they should learn to test a system first so they don't have to hide mistakes.

Maybank also had a big error last month, at least they ditched the new online system quickly. Most customers may not have noticed as they ditched the online system after no one could access accounts. There is a thing called load testing. Maybe someone in Malaysia can do this??? (I saw this issue before - test a system with 3 customers doh!)

Malaysia Bank Tak Boleh!

As a note all got sorted out. At least they apologised!

Hi Nemo, :)
Mistakes and mishaps happen.
Your alert goes to show that it's best to have credit/debit card(s) with several Banks, not just one. :cool: