Dog handler

hi am yassir am a dog handler in mauritius police force. If ever wana train ur dogs feel free to write me. Thanks

Dear Nassir

I am sure to call you on my return to Mu as you may be able to help me with one of my dogs

WE acquired 2 lovely stray dogs, one is happy to be on a lead but several attempts to get the other one to be on a lead has been a total disaster, she is her own boss!

Your help will be much appeciated. I will call you at the end of November


hi chandra well tell more about the dog which bread age it a male or female give some details pls.

Hi Yassir

It is a mongrel ,looks like a border collie, the sort of dog that is used in the UK to round sheep up. Fifi's hair is shorter though.
She was abandoned when she was a puppy.. fed by my brother every day when he went to Chamarel to work. She is probably 3 years old according to the vet.She is extremely atheletic, good hunter but very shy with a permanent sadness in her eyes. You probably will have an idea as to why she will not eat with the other dog, prefers to be fed "when no one can see her"Took me 3 weeks to befriend her! To get her used to lead would be wonderful as we cannot take her out. Lucky the other stray gets taken everywhere we go. We have plans to take them to the UK in the future. Sorry to go on about my dogs.. the are just so wonderful to be with!

hhmmmm ok dear. Will help u

am not an ex pat but since you are adog handler will you be able to train my dog, mine is a female rott of 6 months

vitzt wrote:

am not an ex pat but since you are adog handler will you be able to train my dog, mine is a female rott of 6 months

This thread is over 4 years old.
