Inspiration needed

Anniest ,you might go to this link and answer the questions in the depression checklist to see if indeed you do have depression … klist-k10. Good luck

Hi Anniest, this is exactly how I feel right now, except, it goes a little longer. I've had this lost, uninspiring feeling for two consecutive years, still am struggling...
Graduated with a degree just to realize that it doesn't suit me at all. Come back to Vietnam, I've tried to work in other sectors, first, to avoid going back to the bank; second, to find out what I really want to do for my life. But this isn't easy with my parents always nagging about how I would waste my degree and time starting from scratch in another field. I can't not taking their words into consideration and hence, still debating between doing what I'm majored at, live a robotic life or ignore what people think and carry on seeking for what truly inspires me. Exactly how you described, my life has been so "flat". If the only goal in my Uni life was to complete the degree, now I don't know what's next... My Uni-mates, graduated with the same degree have progressed so much in their careers while I'm standing still...

But this isn't easy with my parents always nagging about how I would waste my degree and time starting from scratch in another field. I can't not taking their words into consideration and hence, still debating between doing what I'm majored at, live a robotic life or ignore what people think and carry on seeking for what truly inspires me.

Live the life that makes you happy, only you can make yourself happy, ... Whilst this is easy to say and sometimes difficult to do, exactly because of the reasons you make, I still want to pass on this encouragement

ashliee010 wrote:

Hi Anniest, this is exactly how I feel right now, except, it goes a little longer. I've had this lost, uninspiring feeling for two consecutive years, still am struggling...
Graduated with a degree just to realize that it doesn't suit me at all. Come back to Vietnam, I've tried to work in other sectors, first, to avoid going back to the bank; second, to find out what I really want to do for my life. But this isn't easy with my parents always nagging about how I would waste my degree and time starting from scratch in another field. I can't not taking their words into consideration and hence, still debating between doing what I'm majored at, live a robotic life or ignore what people think and carry on seeking for what truly inspires me. Exactly how you described, my life has been so "flat". If the only goal in my Uni life was to complete the degree, now I don't know what's next... My Uni-mates, graduated with the same degree have progressed so much in their careers while I'm standing still...

I thought I was the only one :) I think I know exactly what you are going through.
Why not join us this Sunday ? It will take your mind off whatever there, at least for awhile :)

@Citsym: Thanks for your encouragement! I'm still trying to ; )

@Anniest: Indeed, I heard you and THD mentioned about the meet up this Sunday and thought I would want to join too. But I've just realized I'm not in town this weekend :( If you guys plan to have another meet up in the future, let me know! Hope you have a good experience and maybe find back some traces of inspiration this Sunday : )