Winners never quit and quiters never win!

I love this statement because it makes me believe more when I have doubts and gives me more strength and energy to keep going until I succeed. Do you feel the same way?
I would love to hear from you,

Hello....yes it is old but still accurate for most.

sure. nothing is old & stale. something is universal truth so they are always fresh & inspiring.
great lines.

yes indeed Tilakmmmec...this topic will always be up to date!

Mr Foulk,

Changing an activity does not mean your are a quiter. Rocky Marciano and Mark Quban are still influencing their world in other ways and activities and in our mind their are still the heros that we know them to be.

All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney

So True. Tomio welcome to!

I personally don't think that way. I reckon Winners analyze the situation and act as required to reach the goal. There are so many instances where actually winning entails loss and losers are the winner. Everything has an exception, nothing in this world is absolute.

So, at times quitting may seem to be the right choice. In that scenario, a winner may quit.

rohitpokharel wrote:

I personally don't think that way. I reckon Winners analyze the situation and act as required to reach the goal. There are so many instances where actually winning entails loss and losers are the winner. Everything has an exception, nothing in this world is absolute.

So, at times quitting may seem to be the right choice. In that scenario, a winner may quit.

Hi Rohit,  :)
The only thing absolute in this world is the person. He falls, he gets up and walks again.
He fails and then he starts again.

I am happy to say that I am in a profession from which I shall never retire: cyber-trading (the world's best personal, portable, secret and rewarding profession).  :top:
Why retire from something good?