So, You Want to Move to Bali?

The replication of business' on Bali is a problem. 

Having had almost 40++ years of experience with my own retail business I see so many coming here and doing it all wrong.  They usually don't last long as they must either close or attempt to sell, while losing large sums of money. 

The most apparent problems are:  under capitalization, lack of mangement skills, opening the wrong type of business, lack of cultural awareness, wrong location selection, impatience, and attempting business' they have no background in whatsoever.

These problems hold true both for the Indonesian's and expats as we see similar business' lined up next to each other trying to compete.

Good day All,
After a recent fact finding trip to Bali
We are seriously in discussions to relocate our life. This is of course a gamble but we intend to pick the bones out of every scenario and will go with gut feeling on many decisions( with the back up of professionals)
I'm a highly experienced interior designer with previous projects in Asia and Middle East ; having lived overseas I am personally extremely ok relocating and setting up a design office . We have looked at land to develop for for our own home as well as units for rentals /hospitality ;
My wife being trained in hospitality and service as well as tourism. This Together with our own successful air Band B business in the country we live in now.
Any tips on pitfalls ,potential and opportunities as well as negatives to keep on the radar would be hugely appreciated .
Have a good day all

This thread is pretty old.  How can it be updated.   

@Digitarius Best is to open a new thread as most of these members are no longer active...



I guess nobody really wants to open a larger business in Bali. Digital nomads ok.

Where to start?

  • Visa
  • Types of work/business you want to work in/are allowed to work in
  • PT PMA set up costs
  • Land ownership is not legally possible with some exceptions- You can lease or tent