Bringing VITAMINS into Brazil

The other day I saw a post asking about taking FOOD into Brazil, something which wjwoodard, the Brazil guru whom we all know and love and appreciate, STRONGLY recommended AGAINST. And EVEN I saw THAT one coming. But now I have a similar though different question which I've been wondering about for a while, and that post about the food reminded me to finally ask. The question is:

Can I take VITAMINS into Brazil, whether it involves taking them ALONG with me, in the luggage, for example, BUT my question ALSO involves LATER having them MAILED to me from the U.S., once I'm LIVING in Brazil.

Hi lacret60,

It's not a simple question to answer by any means.

In practice, if one was coming to Brazil as a tourist for a limited time visit, there is generally no problem bringing prescription medications and vitamins in small quatities into Brazil. This is however assuming that what is coming in is something on the AVISA list of approved medications and is therefore legal in Brazil.

If moving to Brazil permanently I would think that similar small amounts, sufficient for personal use until local alternatives were found would also be no problem. Having large amounts of such things or later attempting to bring them in by any means, such as through the mail, would very likely lead to real big problems either with ANVISA or with the Receita Federal who are responsible for Customs. I would recommend that you not even try, especially if it's something readily available here in Brazil.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

Yes I would be THRILLED to find alternatives in Brazil. I mean, who wants to have vitamins or ANYTHING mailed to them all the time?? Never mind the inconvenience, but the COST! I just know that in other countries vitamins are not the multi-million business that they are HERE in the States, at least I know they are not in EUROPE (a culture which I'm much more familiar with), if for no other reason than because, quite honestly, the Europeans have a much healthier outlook on food and diet and generally get all their vitamins via FOOD, which SHOULD be the way. My partner for examply eats 3 large meals a day PLUS a "snack" after lunch and before dinner (a snack which is sometimes the equivalent a an entire MEAL for ME) and she is THIN AS A BOARD. And takes NO vitamins. Meanwhile I eat 2 normal meals a day and a snack between them and take a multi vitamin, fish oil pills, plus lutein for my vision and the list goes on. The only GOOD thing (and I plan to KEEP it that way for as long as possible) is that even at 53 I'm not taking, nor NEEDING, any PRESCRIPTION drugs! A fact of which I'm very proud, so I must be doing SOMETHING right. So anyway I was thinking Brazil might be the same situation as Europe regarding votamins and the selection I may find readily, and therefore make it impossible to find anything similar to an alternative. Do you find that to be the case? Or no?

Actually the health suppliment industry is pretty big here. There are numerous shops specializing in nutritional supplements, vitamins, etc. I think you will probably find most of the things you're used to taking, here in Brazil too.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team

OK, that's REALLY good to know. Thank you.