Safety in Abidjan

Hi there, my name is Karen I currently live in canada and I am planing on visiting abidjan but before I do I need to know how safe it is.

please reply


You are most welcome to Abidjan, I am a Pakistani businessman living here since last 3 years and found it quite safe you can move around any time of day or night so rest assured you will be safe, only problem here is the language which is french so if you can speak french you will enjoy your visit.



Hello Karen.

Welcome to! :)

A new thread has been created from your message on the Abidjan forum.

Thank you,

It's safe but of course some places at night you have to be careful, so it's always good to go out with someone or in a group.

i just moved here few days ago , and i think its ok. You can witness an occasional mobile snatching or purse grab but generally its ok. Nothing violent so far ...

Hello sheryarahmed

Thank you for your contribution on this thread!

However kindly note that the latter is inactive since last year, but concrete infos are always most welcome ;)

I kindly suggest you to create a new thread, presently yourself thoroughly and telling members how do you experience life as an expatriate.

Kenjee Team