Is this enough to live in Qatar with a wife, 2 children


I am offered a package to work as a Communication specialist with a salary that is around 18,000 QT and this includes everything. I would have to pay for accommodation and i have a wife and two children; Ibrahim he is 3 years and 4 months and karim; he is only 6 months, so i will have to pay for the older son school. They will give me a 5000 QT as a school subsidize. Is this enough for a family to live well and maybe save some money

Please advice



Yes it should be good to live and save a little

Thank you very much Mrayes

However, are you sure this would be enough for a family of 4?

Do companies usually provide medical coverage in Qatar?

Thanks again,


for the min time ,i think you better save alittle,as you are planning for much