Non -Pensioner under 45 years old

What are the laws governing a non pensioner in the early thirties . Who wishes to reside within the country with her 7 year old daughter.

I had visited the country in 2009 and really loved it there.

I realise that almost all of the available information is geared towards pensioners or person over 45 years old. Please may i have any information for person under 45 and far from retirement.

I am a Jamaican currently residing in Ecuador.

Hello Tameee.

Welcome to! :)


Fully half of the expats living here do not apply for residency which you can get as a pensioner or a rentista. Most people simply go to another country every 90 days (180 with extension). You do not have to leave for three days, just cross the border so your passport is stamped.

Obviously, most expats are retired but there are more young people showing up. San Juan del Sur tends to be a younger crowd.

More information at my website

