Norway, Finland, Sweden or Switzerland?

Hello, if you could choose to expat in one of these 4 countries...Where would you go?

- I already lived in Switzerland, in the German-speaking part, so I know how bureocracy works, the society, etc...Although I was there only for 6 months...
- Never been to Norway or Sweden
- Been to Helsinki only for 2 days (but I know a former colleague who lived in Turku for 5 months, and I recently discovered a colleague I though was from Spain, was actually born in Finland)...I liked it, very much (but it was in August)

These are, from my point of view, the advantages of each of these 4 countries:
- Switzerland: Quality of life, mountains, high wages
- Norway: Quality of life, one of the best (if not the best) welfare system in the world, mountains, high wages, Norvegian girls :D
- Sweden: Quality of life, mountains, Swedish girls :D
- Finland: Quality of life, exotic culture and languages (yes, it can be seen as an advantage), way of thinking (shy, like me...the paradise for socialist and shy-minded people), Finnish girls :D

- Switzerland: Sometimes it gives me the impression of being a 'snob country', and in any case not exactly welcoming toward foreigners (12 years to get citizenship, ban on minarets, SVP/UDC having almost 1/3 of votes, isolationist tradition, etc...).
Not exactly an "easy-going" society...sometimes too strict and pedant.
Examples: In certain places it's forbidden to take showers or flush the toilet after 10 p.m., because it makes too much noise, and the super-efficient Swiss neighbors have to wake up early in the morning, to start working at 7 a.m....You can imagine the consequences on personal hygiene...
How could I then forget that some of their wealth comes from bank accounts of criminals and tax evaders?
Last but not least...It's too close to Italy, so not far enough from my relatives...
- Norway: Drinking culture
- Sweden: Drinking culture, maybe too "Americanized" or "Europeanized"
- Finland: Drinking culture

I have soft corner for the Scandenavians . Although the person said informally yet any  objectionable indication to the scandianavian girls must be avoided.The female perticipation in poweful position is among the highest  in this geographical area .The people are honest and the socio political value system is much much higher than almost any part of the world.
It is only recently the governments of this region are being 'forced' to join the European union  (It is almost identical with HUF(Hindu Undivided Family  -where  the apparent cohisiveness is hilighted and the exploitation of the weak by the powerful remains untold) As the law of merginally diminishing return is prevalent the population and other pressure is forcing the politically powerful European countries to formulate some cowardish legal framework to exploit the job and other sector of this relatively pristine area.Any opportunistic Intra Europe Migration (IEM--this is coined by me ) must be cheeked to avoid any eventualities.
The social commitment of the scandenavian countries are much higher than that of Switzerland. The exotic,opportunistic, corporate law in the Swiss country is the  source of a number of global problems including financing the terror.Switzerland is deserve to be sidelined from the global financial activities.This country is encouraging financial malprctices througout the world.This country is the epi centre of finance driven terror and all other odd activies.Swiss splender is mostly shameless as it comes at the cost of improvishing the entire world. Sweden, Norway Finland should be given much higher grade as compared to switzerland .

so which one did you choose in the end?

If I should choose, I would choose in this order:

1. Switzerland
2. Norway
3. Sweden
4. Finland

I would choose Switzerland because of its name! And its compact and therefore u can visit mountains from any part of Switzerland u are in. Norway is also mountanious but mostly in western Norway and Norway is thousands of kilometers long so its not easy to see them from just about anywhere in the country u are! But Oslo is nice, even with the absence of mountains!

Sweden and Finland are not mountanious, but Sweden have more than Finland and in Sweden I would probably choose to live in Goteborg if I was given the choice as it is like Oslo and it is facing Europe.

I have never been to Finland.

Switzerland is heaven of world.. <3