Dentists in Bergen

Been having a difficult time looking up info on general dentistry in Norway. Has anyone had experience with dental work in Bergen? My understanding is that you pay out of pocket, no insurances. How much would a routine cleaning from a hygienist run? What about the typical filling?

I'd appreciate it if anyone could share some experiences. The sooner my move date approaches, the more and more questions I have about life in my new home.


I've had quite a bit of dental work done here (didn't go to the dentist for about seven years - oops), and like most things in Norway, the dentist is expensive.  The government provides no cover for adults (I believe there is limited cover for children, but someone should correct me here), since the teeth are, according to them, not a part of the body :/

I'm sure it would be possible to get insurance, and you might like to, since a check-up alone can cost over 500kr, and actual dental work is up in the thousands.

The differences I've noticed between my NHS dentist back in Scotland and the dentist here are that the equipment is a lot newer, the dentist is a lot nicer (I would be too if I got paid the worse my patients teeth were), and every time I go, they take (and charge me for) two mouth X-rays, something which _never_ happened on the NHS.

I've never been to the dentist in the US, so I'm afraid you'll have to make your own comparison there :)