5 good reasons for living in Guinea Conakry


if someone asks you the best reasons for making the choice to live and stay in Guinea Conakry, what would be your top 5?

Thanks in advance for participating,


The cost of living is extremely low

1. Low cost of living
2. Lots of opportunity to learn about the culture
3. Beautiful countryside
4. Easy to lose weight
5. Lots of opportunity to make a difference in someone's life

1. People are relaxed
2. Not as regulated as most countries (West)
3. Massive opportunity for development and business
4. Watch with your own eyes this country develop as we speak. The change in 5 years alone is huge and this is just the start.
5. Diversity of the scenery is amazing from the forestiere region to the North Eastern gold fields and savannahs and fouta jalon.

life cheap
can access what ever you want at low cost (if you know)
low cost of everything
country is on the way to develop (people from all around the world are coming opening differnet types of busineess)
youll find other expatriate that are well integrated and some who already build family

Bonjour ! Bien dommage que tu ne t'exprimes qu'en anglais (?) sur ce site... Je recherche des francophones !

Hello Max84300France.

Here is the link for the Guinea Conkary french speaking forum.

Forum Guinée Conakry


Karen :)

En fait je ne sais pas si je saurai vous convaincre ,mais voici quelques raison pour venir vivre à conakry
1--opportunité de l'emploi remunérateur :la guinée deuxieme,exportateur de bauxite au monde offre des emploi dont la remunération varie entre 3500 ET 7000 USD   dans les banques et les nouvelles technologie  rémunerent au me,es intervalles;
2---Faible imposition avec un taux bareme de 15% quelques soit le salaire;
3--- Cout de la vie trés abordable avec 300 uds de revenu on vit aisement
4---Pays de culture et surtout touristique; justice garanti pour tous
5----Liberté d'entreprendre et de rapatrier ses capitaux ; sans restrictions.
si vous avez besoin de plus de détail je reste à votre disposition au [email protected]

5----Liberté d'entreprendre et de rapatrier ses capitaux ; sans restrictions >>>>
Bonjour Boubacar! Bien dommage pour la Guinée cette dernière ligne ! Il est honteux que des étrangers puissent venir piller ce pays: ils devraient être obligés d'investir localement TOUS leurs revenus !
Si un jour je parviens à aller à Kindia, il ne sera pas pensable pour moi d'exporter quelque €uro que ce soit vers la France: si revenus il y a ils resteront au pays !!Le pays a besoin de gens de connaissances notamment en agriculture/maraîchage, bienvenue aux retraités agris français qui pourraient apporter leurs savoirs !
PS: Impossible de joindre le lien Africa60 !

Hello boubacar907 and Max84300France -> In english please. Thank you :)

hi Max, ...
Listen Max, I do not see anything in a shame that leaves investors repatriate their earnings and capital at their leisure.
My countries n not have intended to block one way or another to foreign investment. You think it's a shame, but for me it is a policy of optimizing foreign investment guinée.Je think this is not what I call me looting my country, as it benefited from many of fallen whose taxes and jobs ............

But then you're free to think and express yourself.

good evening

hi .....
In fact I do not know if I can convince you, but here are some reason to come live in Conakry
1 - opportunity for gainful employment: the second Guinea, exporter of bauxite in the world which provides employment compensation varies between 3500 AND 7000 USD in banks and new technology to reward me, are intervals;
2 --- to a scale with Low tax rate of 15% is some salary;
3 --- Cost of living very affordable with 300 nodes income was seen easily
4 --- Country culture and especially tourism, justice guaranteed to all
5 ---- Freedom to initiate and repatriate its capital, without restrictions.
if you need more detail I remain at your disposal boubacar907 [at] yahoo.fr