Expats children

Hi, new to this wondering if there are any american expats with children, and to see how the children are doing. I have a young son and we are considering moving to Greece soon.

Hi joanie10!

Welcome to Expat.com ;)


Hi joanie 10

I just joined the blog and saw your message.
Although not an expat, I have lived in the States for 10 years before moving back to Greece.
As an educator I can tell you that schooling will not be a problem if you are moving in Athens, since there are 5 english schools which run either american or british cucciculum. The one that is more American is called ACS (American Community School) where quite a few expats have send their children. However other schools that run British currculums are also chosen by many expats. All schools are multinational and hence children coming from all over the world make easily friends from their respective countries. This for a start, but if you need more information let me know.