PNG : life and challenges ?

recently moved to PNG from SA, Been here now # months and will admit this is challenging to say the least, However I love it.

I have traveled the world lived in some funny places and worked in just as weird places, Coming from Africa I thought africa was the wildest place ever, till i got to PNG.

YOu will hear me complain and swear out the way of life, but man I LOVE IT, nothing is simple here no matter what you do or say. everything is a challenge, but then again what would life be if everything was easy.

I am the type of guy that gets bored with the norm, and yes i am human so i also complain and bitch about things. but love it.

I am lucky that in my work i travel a lot, though doing business here is very challenging to say the least. 

things are not done in a normal logical way, there is always a challenge involved, so if u dont like challenges dont come here.

U have to chase everything, "island fever " is normal here lol ( u on an island ) so tomorrow is another day. Oh yes lunch is taken for one hour, and believe me u take it, other wise u go mad, in SA we never take lunch, we work through, here u take it.

Expect the unexpected, matter of fact have no expectations and u wont be disappointed.

Hi Brad,

This is so true. I am now in Africa and sad to say but I agree with you that PNG (my home) is a very challenging place to live in. Iam now enjoying the change away from home.

Anyway, I'd like to know weather you have return to SA lately and which route is cheaper.

Hi brad

Thanks for your comments but to keep it simple, is Pom a place where you can bring your family without them going crazy because they have to be under lock and key?


hi brad, would you share your experiences in tabubil? hows the living situation for expats especially for a lady. im getting more information that would help me decide for a job offer with ok tedi foundation. been working in big city all my career life but im giving it a shot. i know i have to give up my city life and my only concern is the security. i read a lot of horrifying stories. it seems you have to carry a gun everyday or is it allowed for civilian as protection. help pls...

Guns are not needed in Tabubil, nor are they allowed.  Expats are generally safe.

Definitely no need for guns.Tabubil is a safe place. I was there when the Ok Tedi project was developed and went back again for the dredging project at Bige down river.

It can be a little boring, damp and miserable at times but with fly in fly out options it is okay.

thank you both for the sharing. how  far is the ok tedi housing area from the town?

It's in town.