New +1 button on forum posts


the Team and I are pleased to introduce the new +1 button on the forums.

You will find this new button at the bottom right corner of the forum posts.

Obviously, the main idea is to +1 the posts you like

What do you think about this new feature ?



so niiiiiiiiiiiiiice thank you:)

Really appreciate.. that is nice feature +1.. you do come up with antonyms ideas ;)

Very nice, hope people see the old posts.
Will this contribute to the Karma?

yep, exactly ...

But what about older posts that one just recieve 1+ comments on?

same thing. When you click on +1 / recommend / like buttons, it increases the karma of the content author

I mean, what about all the posts that was written which afterwords you or any other administrator wrote the +1 smiley after. Those written before introduced the +1 button.

I always forget to press '+1'.
Maybe subconsciously I avoid clicking too many times on the mouse so as not to get pains from carpal tunnel syndrome again … :)

magnus > that won't work unfortunately. Sometimes you don't exactly +1 the post before yours and we just can't reread every post on the forum.

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