anmaoueslati Colombia


Colombian expat in Canada
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Born, raised, and partially educated in Colombia. Lived in the USA for about nine years, also in Tunisia for about a year and a half. I'm a foreign language teacher, and I'm married to a Tunisian citizen. We are both Canadian citizens now.

I am married.

I joined on 02 March 2012.

  • I can speak English, français, español,  ena nahki chwaya arbi  italiano
  • Interests traveling, reading, Drawing, Learning, veganism, teaching, nguages, foreign films, Animal activism
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Expat experience

Since June 2015
Montreal, Canada
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I want to live the rest of my life in this country,

Traffic! People here don't respect the speed limit and follow too closely. If you come from the USA, you'll see the difference.

Aug 2012 - Jun 2015
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
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Teaching Spanish at a local school.

Traffic is a nightmare sometimes, and crime has increased quite a bit. Gas prices, rent and taxes are more expensive in Charlotte than in Martinsville, I need to get used to that.

Feb 2011 - Jul 2012
Tunis, Tunisia
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I came here with the idea of having some teaching experience in this country and to learn Arabic.

Trash in many places, the smoking on public places including taxis, the employment of foreign people is very complicated and even impossible for some people. I DEFINITIVELY HATE THE SHOOTING OF STRAY DOGS!!! I can't stand it! It's overwhelming and sad. There should be a better way (refuges, sterilization, penalties to people for abandoning their pets, the injection instead of GUN SHOTS)

 2005 -  2011
Salisbury, North Carolina, USA
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I went to teach, learn, travel, and save $ Also: Collinsville, VA Martinsville, VA

Health care plans and premiums are extremely expensive, there are lots of racial issues and tensions in some areas. In the places I lived, racism and discrimination scenes take place everyday. I hated the way students treated each other for their color of the skin, their origins, accents, income, etc,. There is little tolerance and respect towards teachers in some high schools. But the worst for me was the racial tension, students questioning your education and credentials for belonging to the ethnic group "Hispanic".

Oct 1980 - Jul 2005
Cali, Colombia
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I studied at a catholic school "San José" where my brain couldn't be washed but inspired to discover more about the world. I studied Modern Languages at the Universidad del Valle.

You must be careful with your belongings at all times, the government is very corrupted, education is very expensive, many people don't do their best at their jobs, lots of indiscipline, there is no punctuality. Many Colombians are superficial, the physical appearance is very important...being skinny or slim is a must in some cities to fit the "beauty" standards. La inseguridad, la corrupción de los gobernantes, la conchudez de alguna gente para no trabajar ni hacer las cosas al 100%, hay mucha pereza, irresponsabilidad, incumplimiento por parte de me gusta esa vida indisciplinada. Lo que menos me gusta es que en Colombia se da mucha importancia al aspecto físico de las personas, se critica mucho a los demás por el "cómo se ven".

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