marmorado EE UU


Ciudadana estadounidense a quien gustaría vivir en Belice
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I have spent most of my life moving back and forth from Europe to the Unites States where I have taught ESL/EFL as well as high school English and Drama. My daughter was born in London and returned there as an adult. I have lived in NYC, Boston and Los Angeles for the last thirty years. My late husband and I moved to Albuquerque about eight years ago. I love my circle of friends and the beauty of the environment but, even though this city is less expensive than most in this country, since my husband died I have had to really alter my lifestyle. I recently met someone who has been thinking about moving to Belize for many years and feels he is ready to take that step. Since I met him, I have done a lot of my own research and it looks like a wonderful place with a much easier and less costly lifestyle for people who have decided to simplify their life. I'm glad they don't quarantine cats because there is no way I would consider leaving my big white Maine Coon behind. My interests are politics, dance, theater, films, and literature. I am very social and love to meet new people in new situations. My friend and I are hoping to be able to focus on writing together (we've both done a fair amount on our own but we'd have enough free time now), perhaps teach exercise classes and/or tutor people in English. And I really look forward to being near the ocean again - that's the only thing I've really missed living in Albuquerque.

Miembro desde el 03 Agosto 2014.

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