emiliano mognato Italy

emiliano mognato

Italian looking for information about Oman
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Buongiorno e piacere , sono Mognato Emiliano . In italia ho una azienda con 3 collaboratori di meccanica però creo anche idee nuove per il mercato come placche per interuttori in stile arabo , cornici per divani , tavoli in stile arabo , lampade , tegole fotovoltaiche in progetto , nuovo brevetto di linea di abbigliamento a forme geometriche solide , barbecue , ecc. Sono anche registrato su LINKEDIN se vi interessa cosa faccio . Premetto che con il lavoro qui in italia di denaro non ne ho molto ma voglio provare ugualmente . Anche per via di inglese lo stò ripassando e voglio fare un corso per migliorare . Se vi può fare piacere vi invio qualche foto . Chiedo quindi informazioni per aprire una azienda in oman perfavore . GRAZIE PER L ' INTERESSE CHE MI POTRETE DARE ENGLISH Hello and pleasure , are Mognato Emiliano . In Italy I have a company with 3 employees mechanics but also create new ideas to the market as plates for switches in Arabic style , frames for sofas , tables Arabic-style lamps, photovoltaic tiles in the project, new patent clothing line forms geometric solid , barbecue, etc. . From the 3-5 of February this year (2014) I was able to be indirectly in the capital Muscat at EXPO ITALY such as design and interior switches with plates , frames for sofas and tables with LEDs that light up the whole Arab-style . I am also registered on LINKEDIN if you care what I do. I state that I work with here in Italy I do not have much money but I want to try anyway. Also because I'm going over to the English , and I want to do a course to improve . If you can make pleasure I send you some pictures. I kindly ask you this information : The person who was at the show and represented me told me that many people in the country have asked him if I can go to Oman to open a company or an individual store or a VAT, because it would help me , since the fair I did all the compliments of the things on display but want it to be present in oman . Given that in Italy we know how to work and goes ' help that is offered to new ideas , I prefer to relocate . I therefore call information to open a company in oman please let . I apologize for my English. I am looking for an honest person who is interested in my ideas and I will help in the development of these ideas. [email protected] THANK YOU FOR THE ' INTEREST THAT I CAN GIVE

I joined expat.com on 11 February 2014.

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