Living in Chad guide for expats

All the information you need to relocate and live in Chad.

About Chad

The population of Chad is about 12 million coming from 200 different ethnic groups, and the primary spoken languages are French and Arabic. There are two predominant religions in Chad ' the Arab-Muslim and the Christian ' which prevail in different parts of the country. Precisely, the north region is Arab-Muslim, and the population of the south region are Christians and animists. This kind of division based on beliefs has been the reason for civil and political unrest, and general instability in the country since its independence from France, in 1960.

The main economy boosters in Chad are the oil, textile, construction materials, beer brewing, and meatpacking sectors. Oil accounts for 60% of all exports, but the latest decrease in oil prices has had a notable impact on Chad's economy. There have been some foreign investments in Chad, particularly in banking and telecommunications, but the lack of development and high level of corruption has stunted economic growth.

Quick Information

Official Languages : French
Currency : Franc
Area : 1284000 Km2
Population : 10543464
Calling Code : +235
Timezone : Africa/Ndjamena

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